Title of the centre::

WHO Collaborating Centre for Mental Health


Director / Head:

Dr. Seyed Kazem Malakouti Mahmoud Dehghani





School of Behavioural Sciences and Mental Health (Teheran Institute of Psychiatry), Iran University of Medical Sciences

Date of Designation: 03/Nov/1997

 Last Redesignation

 Terms of Reference


TOR 1  Under WHO’s direction, support the integration of mental health into primary health care

Upon request by WHO, scale up mental health services and build capacity of primary health care

providers to deliver basic mental health services and interventions in line with the WHO mhGAP



TOR 2   Upon request by WHO, scale up mental health services and build capacity of primary health care

providers to deliver basic mental health services and interventions in line with the WHO mhGAP



TOR 3  As requested by WHO, enhancing mental health literacy to reduce stigma and promote mental health

and prevent mental disorders including suicide in countries of the Eastern Mediterranean region




  1. Mental health & neurosciences
  2. Substance abuse (including alcohol & drugs)
  3. Health systems research & development


Types of activity:

  1. Research
  2. Evaluation
  3. Training and education


WHO Outputs:

  1. Countries’ capacity strengthened to develop and implement national policies, plans and information systems in line with the comprehensive mental health action plan 2013–2020
  2. Countries with technical capacity to develop integrated mental health services across the continuum of promotion, prevention, treatment and recovery
  3.  Expansion and strengthening of country strategies, systems and interventions for disorders caused by alcohol and other psychoactive substance use enabled
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